
The first of oh so many posts...

Let’s face it, I’ve never been good at introductions. I can ramble for hours and hours about nothing at all, but introducing myself to the blogging world, not so much. So let’s just cut through the “grand opening” ribbon and move on. Sound like a plan? Fantastic.
I have the tendency of writing a blog, or Facebook note, or (for those of you who appreciate throwbacks) Myspace post, as though I’m already in the middle of a conversation with whomever my particular audience happens to be. I can promise you that this blog will be the same. So, if you’re looking for Pulitzer Prize quality work, you should probably move on. If you’re looking for a sarcastically humorous glimpse into the chaotic life of a 24 year old housewife…you’re in the right place! I can’t promise you perfection but I can promise you entertainmentJ.
So…here goes…
As I’m writing this, my husband and I are house hunting. We have been married for a little over 3 years and this will be our 5th time moving. No, we’re not military…we’re just gluttons for chaos, apparently. This time is different though. This time there’s an insane amount of anxiety and waiting…neither of which I handle well. Anyone who’s ever purchased a house should be able to sympathize. It’s a form of legal torture. So, why am I sharing this with you? Because this is situation is the driving force behind Sunny Side of the Beach. Insomnia is a wonderful thing in that it forces you to reach out and connect to the other 13 people who might be up at 4 AM watching reruns of Frasier and infomercials for things no one could ever possibly need.
If you read my “About Me”, you already know that I am an aspiring “domestic diva”. From the time I was 14, I’ve been drawn to anything having to do with homemaking. I guess it’s my calling…my passion in life. Some people have passions for sports or other various hobbies…my passion is anything having to do with making a home. I’ve been a loyal Pottery Barn addict for 10 years, I’ve watched hours of Martha Stewart, and I’ve recently become hardcore addicted to Pinterest. Anyone else with me? It’s like a drug!
I have my favorite blogs that I’m obsessed with. I love the idea of sharing tips/knowledge and also sharing your life with other people. The internet is our generations town square. It’s where people connect…and the beauty of it is that you’re not just limited to people you know. You’re able to connect with people all over the world with the same interest, same situations, same struggles as you. So many years into having the internet, and it still amazes me! That’s my goal with Sunny Side of the Beach. To connect with all the other women out there going through the same things I’m going through. Life seems so much sunnier when you have people to go through it with!
So, why Sunny Side of the Beach? Funny story. Every single fantastic blog name that I could come up with was taken! Seriously! I thought and I thought, I agonized, and I fought with myself over and over again…and finally decided on Sunny Side of the Beach. It just fits…it fits my life right now. You see, my husband and I are moving back to the beach…back to the one place on earth that we were created for. Right now, our world seems anything but sunny. We’re struggling. We’re stressed…and we’re exhausted. But we keep going. Why? Because I know that one day in the not too distant future, we’ll have our home, on the sunny side of the beach. 

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